Academic Affairs - Learning Programs

Private Tutoring

Students have the opportunity to apply as TILT approved private tutors for a variety of subjects and courses. Likewise, students in need of a tutor for a specific course or subject can browse the list of registered tutors to find one that fits their need.

Student wishing to be a private tutor may use the link below to apply. CSU required trainings may be required to be approved as a private tutor.

How to be approved as a private tutor for CSU students...




Download your Certificate of Completion and email a copy to Allison Penfield.


You will receive final approval from TILT Academic Affairs Staff.


Allison Penfield

Allison Penfield

Associate Director for Student Success

Academic Affairs


Phone: 970-491-4921

Email: Allison.Penfield@ColoState.EDU

Students get feedback on their compositions