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MTI Lunch | CSU Libraries <br><span style="color: #993300;"> Transforming the CSU Writing Center: Anticipating an International Campus by 2020</span>

Tobi Jacobi, CSU Writing Center Director; Patricia Lincoln, CSU Writing Center Associate Director
In the past few years the CSU Writing Center has been transforming to meet the needs of an increasingly global population of students. Writing Center Director, Tobi Jacobi, and Associate Director, Patricia Lincoln, will share some of the tutoring and outreach strategies the Writing Center has developed and lead a FREE Catered luncheon discussion on future preparations, including outreach initiatives, program development, and staff training.

RSVP: Please Contact Shannon Farrell directly.
Dates and Times:
November 28 - November 28, 2012 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Morgan Library Event Hall
Learn More:
Shannon Farrell, 491.5422,