Event Information

My Favorite Lecture with Dr. Ajay Menon: Building a Personal Brand: Defining Success YOUR Way

Ajay Menon
Dr. Ajay Menon, the Dean of the College of Business, thinks a lot about how to build a “successful” career. Defining your priorities—both in your career and in your life—allow you to develop a personal brand that will lead you to both satisfaction and success. Managing your career according to your personal brand leads the way to opportunities that reflect who you really are. What will you be known for not only in your career, but in your life? What type of reputation do you want to have? What kind of legacy do you want to leave? Reflecting on these questions now will lead you to a career that authentically reflects who you are, and to a life that aligns with your values.
About Dr. Menon:
As Dean of the College of Business at Colorado State University, Ajay Menon provides strategic direction for the College of Business. His responsibilities include: providing leadership for the College of Business; developing and maintaining relationships with all external stakeholders of the College; obtaining financial resources for the College to achieve its vision for success; broad oversight of the senior management of the College.
In addition to his full-time job leading the College of Business, Menon was also named by Gov. John Hickenlooper last year as the state’s first Chief Innovation Officer, leading The Colorado Innovation Network (COIN) to develop an eco-system in Colorado that cultivates entrepreneurial and innovative activities.
Menon holds a Ph.D. in Marketing and has been on the Marketing Department faculty since 1991. His teaching and research expertise lie in the areas of International Marketing, New Product Development & Management and Strategic Market Planning. His research interests focus in the areas of customer loyalty, new product management and strategy implementation. He has coordinated and participated in several discussion roundtables on these and related topics at national and international forums. Menon’s research has appeared in the leading marketing and business journals. In addition, he has received several recognitions for his classroom teaching, including being named “Professor of the Year.” Menon has been a consultant to several leading companies in Colorado.

URL: http://tilt.colostate.edu/learning/faculty/myFave.cfm

Dates and Times:
September 11 - September 11, 2012 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM
TILT 221
Learn More:
Heather Landers, 491-1324, heather.landers@colostate.edu