Event Information

gtPathways Spring Workshops:<br> <span style="color: #993300;"> Engaging Writers Through Multimedia (Please bring your LAPTOP for this workshop!)</span>

Jonathon Fisk and Morgann Means (GTAs: Poli Sci)
This workshop will present strategies for using multimedia in the classroom as an opportunity to engage students and encourage reflective writing. They will discuss techniques for technology integration, as well as the benefits of using multimedia to elicit in-class written responses and to accompany traditional essay prompts.

RSVP: Please register in advance at http://writing.colostate.edu/gtpathways/workshops/index.cfm so that we know to expect you!
Dates and Times:
April 6 - April 6, 2012 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Eddy 303
Learn More:
Sue Doe, 491.6839, Sue.Doe@ColoState.edu