Event Information

gtPathways Spring Workshops:<br> <span style="color: #993300;"> Improving Student Writing Through Pre-Writing Strategies</span>

Jonathon Fisk and Morgann Means (GTAs: Poli Sci)
Jonathan Fisk and Morgann Means believe that good writing begins with good thinking and their workshop offers several ideas for getting students thinking about their drafts long before the due date. By engaging students early in processes of invention, research, drafting, and revising, GTAs and faculty can look forward to seeing better final papers and students can learn the advantages of avoiding procrastination, which also helps discourage plagiarism.

RSVP: Please register in advance at http://writing.colostate.edu/gtpathways/workshops/index.cfm so that we know to expect you!
Dates and Times:
February 28 - February 28, 2012 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Eddy 303
Learn More:
Sue Doe, 491.6839, Sue.Doe@ColoState.edu