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gtPathways Spring Workshops<br><span style="color: #993300;"> Helping Students with the In-Class Essay by Teaching Thesis Statements and Paragraph Coherence</span>

Jenika Howe and Beth Austin (GTAs: History)
This workshop provides GTAs and faculty in multiple disciplines with activities to improve student writing of in-class essays. This includes strategies for teaching essay organization, thesis statements, and ways that GTAs and faculty can structure a class session dedicated to preparing for these kinds of exams. Providing students with this instruction and experience in their first few years can give them valuable tools to transfer to all of their academic and future writing.

RSVP: Please register in advance at so that we know to expect you!
Dates and Times:
February 23 - February 23, 2012 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Clark C 374
Learn More:
Sue Doe, 491.6839,