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gtPathways Spring Workshops:<br><span style="color: #993300;">International Student Writers in the CSU Context</span>

Nancy Berry, IEP Faculty; Jenny Levin, English Department Faculty
As an administrator in the Intensive English Program, Nancy Berry has a great deal of experience with international student writers, and co-presenter Jenny Levin, a recent graduate of the TESL masters program has been teaching composition to international student cohorts for several years. Together they offer their insights gleaned from many semesters of work with international student writers in order to help faculty and GTAs who may be anticipating new challenges as international student numbers grow.

RSVP: Please register in advance at so that we know to expect you!
Dates and Times:
February 21 - February 21, 2012 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Eddy 303
Learn More:
Sue Doe, 491.6839,