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Event Information

Academy for Critical Thinking- Session E

Megan Baker
What does being a critical thinker have to do with success in college, and beyond? In this four-week introduction to critical thinking, you will explore with a group of other students what your professors mean when they ask you to think critically. You'll meet with a small cohort of students once a week for four weeks (Tuesdays, 10/11-11/1), and discuss what it means to move from being a consumer of information to a producer of knowledge. You will also come to understand why critical thinking—the way you ask questions, your ability to view and analyze situations from multiple angles, and to seek quality information—is key to being a better student, creative thinker, and innovator who can have a big impact on your world. What happens during these workshops? Each Session is comprised of four discussion-based workshops on the following topics: •Workshop 1: Critical Thinking, Academic Success, and ACTing in the World •Workshop 2: Learning How to Learn •Workshop 3: Skilled Analysis and Effective Evaluation •Workshop 4: Finding Your Voice and ACTing up. At the end of the four workshops, you will receive a Certificate from TILT's Academy for Critical Thinking. Pre-registration required. To register, visit:


Dates and Times:
October 25 - October 25, 2011 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
TILT 105
Learn More:
Heather Landers, (970) 491-1324,