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MTI Lunch | College of Liberal Arts<br><span style="color: #993300;"> A Call for Student-Faculty Reciprocity: Working Together to Improve the Classroom Experience</span>

Martin Carcasson, Department of Communication Studies
Free Catered luncheon discussion. Recent criticisms of higher education in the United States have raised concerns regarding the quality of learning, implicating both students and faculty in important ways. Many students complain about their professors, and vice versa, but productive interactions between these groups concerning the classroom experience are rare. The notion of student-faculty reciprocity focuses on the idea that if students and faculty collaborated more about the classroom experience, mutual adjustments could be identified that would positively impact the quality of learning.

This session will introduce the CSU Center for Public Deliberation and review its past work which engaged students to identify what has worked well in classrooms and what improvements they suggest. We will then engage participants in an initial opportunity to assess their views of the classroom experience and student/faculty responsibilities from their faculty perspective. This session will preview a longer MTI/CPD joint forum on April 21 that will allow faculty to work in small groups with CPD student associates in exploring these issues in greater detail.

RSVP: Please email or call Shirley Guitron, 491-3132, in the TILT office by 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, March 15, 2011.

Note: Please let Shirley know that you are registering for the College of Liberal Arts MTI Luncheon and whether you have a vegetarian meal preference or not.
Dates and Times:
April 5 - April 5, 2011 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
TILT 105
Learn More:
Lori Peek`, 491.67777,