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Event Information

Test Anxiety Workshop

Carole Freemole, CSU Health Network
Plagued by Test Anxiety? Performance Anxiety? Learn EFT • Butterflies or knots in your stomach? • Sweaty palms? • Difficulty concentrating • Loss of appetite or emotional overeating? • Blanking out • Dizziness • Loss of confidence • Sleeping problems • Difficulty breathing • Negative thinking resulting lower self confidence? EFT is a fast, effective therapeutic tool that addresses your own particular situation--including performance issues, such as test anxiety. EFT is an age old technique based on acupuncture points BUT with no needles! EFT addresses the physical, cognitive and emotional aspects of the problem. If you really want to conquer test anxiety, this may be your answer. No drugs or extended therapy. It is easy, inexpensive and has a high success rate. It is a tool you can use the rest of your life.
Dates and Times:
March 4 - March 4, 2011 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
TILT 105
Learn More:
Heather Landers, 491-1324,