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MTI | College of Liberal Arts Noon Hour Workshop: How Can We Best Help Student Writers in Core Courses Outside of English?

Sue Doe (Dept. of English) and Karla Gingerich (Dept. of Psychology)
Sue Doe and Karla Gingerich have been collaborating on the gtPathways writing integration in Psychology since the fall of 2007. They have approached this effort as an inquiry project, testing strategies in order to improve both writing instruction and student writing itself. Join Karla and Sue as they explain the research project they undertook in the fall of 2009, which was sponsored by the national Writing Program Administrators organization and tested the influence of three instructional approaches on student writing. Find out what they learned about some of the factors that most influence student success with writing assignments and about the importance of professional development to effective grading and responding to student writing.
Dates and Times:
February 15 - February 15, 2010 12:00 PM - 1:00 AM
TILT 104
Learn More:
Pam Coke, 491.6848,