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Teaching with Technology Workshop: “Teaching a Large Lecture Course with a Tablet PC”

Jake Roberts, Department of Physics
Tablet PCs are notebook computers that contain hardware and software that allow a user to write on the computer screen and have that writing stored and displayed. In the context of a large lecture course, this means that the Tablet PC can replace the use of an overhead projector to allow the instructor to work problems, add annotations to slides during the lecture, answer student questions through writing in addition to speaking, and other similar tasks. This talk will describe how this technology was used in teaching introductory Physics courses, and will note the advantages of using Tablet PCs in presenting and recording of the lecture. Particular emphasis will be placed on the improvements made in the use of these Tablet PCs that was developed through using the technology over the course of several semesters. The instructors that have used these Tablet PCs have found them to be highly useful and convenient.


Dates and Times:
September 24 - September 24, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Weber 202
Learn More:
Sally Hibbitt, 491-2726,