Event Information

My Favorite Lecture with Dr. B. Willson

Heather Landers
"Got Impact? Working Towards Global Change from Inside the University" Colorado State University is emerging as a leader in the use of enterprise to improve the human condition on a global scale. Dr. Bryan Willson has led the development of several clean energy technologies at CSU that have now been implemented at large scale. This talk will discuss three of these technologies: emissions reduction for the U.S. natural gas pipeline system, clean cookstoves and two-stroke engine retrofits for the developing world, and algae-based biofuels. Large-scale dissemination models were tailored for each application and will be discussed. These technologies have achieved global impact through this entrepreneurial approach and are poised to dramatically increase the impact. This entrepreneurial approach to global impact is now being implemented more widely at CSU through campus-wide research organizations such as the Clean Energy Supercluster and through academic programs such as the Global Social and Sustainable Enterprise program in the College of Business.
Dates and Times:
November 3 - November 3, 2009 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM
TILT 221
Learn More:
Heather Landers, 491-1324, heather.landers@colostate.edu