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Event Information

Getting Started with i>clciker

Roberto Torreggiani/i>clicker
Learn how to set up your i>clicker course and start polling from the first day! We will review system requirements and show you how to connect the hardware. We will also demonstrate the simple steps to using your i>clicker system in class and for accessing the votes and data outside of class. We will review how to allocate points, how to export data to your course management system, how to create reports from the collected data, and how to keep your software current. Lastly, we will talk about remote registration and roster management. The last half hour will be dedicated to Q&A.
Dates and Times:
August 19 - August 19, 2009 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Clark A 103
Learn More:
Roberto Torreggiani/i>clicker, 970-491-2726,