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A Vision, A Goal, A Plan: Improve Your Teaching Effectiveness (A 2-part workshop)

Jennifer Todd and Tonya Buchan

This is the first of a two part workshop.

Teaching is a complex, often overwhelming endeavor that no two instructors approach in the same manner. With myriad research, resources, and opinions on effective teaching - where do you begin? The Teaching Effectiveness Framework (TEF) organizes evidence-based teaching practices into seven interdependent domains to help instructors identify strengths and focus efforts to grow their teaching practice. This workshop can help take this challenging thing called teaching and make it more manageable.

Part 1 (90 minutes) begins with a visioning process to help you define success for your students and align your vision with a domain of the Teaching Effectiveness Framework (TEF). From there, you can more easily set a teaching goal and create action steps to carry out your goal.

Participants will be able to...

  • Recognize the benefits of the seven Teaching Effectiveness Framework domains, their independence, interdependence
  • Identify teaching strengths related to a teaching domain
  • Analyze your current teaching practices and how they align with your vision for students
  • Create a personalized action plan of research-based teaching practices to incorporate into your teaching
  • Create a personalized action plan of research-based teaching practices to incorporate into your teaching

Please bring your own lunch.

If you can, please register for both parts of this workshop. The second workshop will take place on Thursday, September 15th.

Dates and Times:
September 8 - September 8, 2022 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Registration Deadline: September 8, 2022 10:00 AM
Registration is closed.
TILT 104
Learn More:
Kira Marshall-McKelvey,