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Best Practices in Teaching at CSU: Critical Thinking

TILT Instructional Designers
This three-week, mostly asynchronous course takes place in Canvas. Participants can expect to spend 4-5 hours per week completing assignments, discussions and readings. Instructors consistently identify critical thinking as an essential outcome for students. This course will help you capitalize on your students’ current critical thinking skills and scaffold critical thinking with supportive activities and feedback. You will consider content that is typically difficult for students and design appropriately leveled activities for them to practice critical thinking in a supportive environment. Teaching Effectiveness Framework Alignment (1) Curriculum and Curricular Alignment (2) Feedback and Assessment To register, please enroll in the Feedback and Assessment Domain Certificate program via the MyLearning Web link below. (Please note that you can complete a course or workshop regardless of whether you choose to complete the domain certificate of achievement for the Teaching Effectiveness Initiative program.) Once enrolled, locate Best Practices in Teaching at CSU: Critical Thinking in the list of offerings, and register for a session.

Register today on the: MyLearning Website

Dates and Times:
September 13 - October 3, 2021 7:00 AM
Learn More:
Barb Houser, (970) 491-4820,