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Event Information

Realizing a More Inclusive Pedagogy: Implications for Individual and Institutional Transformation

Dr. Frank Tuitt
In this workshop, participants will move from the micro (classroom) to the macro (institution) to explore ways in which institutional policies, practices, and procedures impact how inclusive pedagogy is advanced at the classroom level. Designed specifically for institutional leaders and classroom instructors this session will seek to identify what institution wide and unit level (department) conditions need to be in place to promote inclusive learning environments throughout the institution and avoid the construction of isolated pockets of excellence. Dr. Frank Tuitt, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer at the University of Connecticut will conduct a workshop, "Realizing a More Inclusive Pedagogy: Implications for Individual and Institutional Transformation."
Dates and Times:
March 10 - March 10, 2021 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Registration Deadline: March 7, 2021 11:59 AM
Registration is closed.
Learn More:
Barb Houser, 9704914820,