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Event Information

Best Practices in Teaching at CSU: Student Motivation

TILT Instructional Designers
An online, facilitated, asynchronous short course focused on using a range of instructional techniques to promote student motivation, which research on learning has consistently identified as a key factor in academic success. Approaches include helping students make connections between course subject matter and their interests, prompting them to make connections across topics, and showing instructor belief in their capacity to succeed. This short course aligns with the Student Motivation, and Pedagogical Content Knowledge domains of the TILT Teaching Effectiveness Framework. Participant time: 12 hours over 3 weeks.

Course Outcomes: Participants will be able to...
  1. Apply researched motivation techniques to your course.
  2. Identify supports for students for main course content.
  3. Promote growth mindset and self-efficacy during instruction.
  4. Integrate at least one new motivation technique into your course.
Dates and Times:
March 1 - March 21, 2021 7:00 AM
Registration Deadline: February 15, 2021 7:00 AM
Registration is closed.
Learn More:
Barb Houser, (970) 491-4820,