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Learner-Centered Syllabi Part I: Creating a Learner-Centered Syllabus

Hailey Otis, TILT
Traditional approaches to syllabus construction treat the syllabus as a "contract" between student and instructor and, as such, often take on a punitive tone, communicating to students the negative consequences of their poor behavior/performance in class. More recently, there has been a turn to "learner-centered" syllabi which, instead of focusing on punishment and what not to do, present students with a roadmap for success in a given course. This workshop will focus on how to build a learner-centered syllabus that puts students and their needs/perspectives/success at the center of the document, positions students and the instructor as part of a partnership, and offers opportunities for shared decision making between students and instructor.
If you have a syllabus you are hoping to make more learner-centered, please bring it to this session as we will dedicate some time to workshopping.

This workshop will be offered live via Zoom and will also be recorded for later viewing. Participants will be able to interact with the presenter via the Zoom "chat" function throughout the workshop, and then we will open up to a live Q & A at the end.
This workshop counts toward the TILT Graduate Teaching Certificate.
This Session aligns with the Teaching Effectiveness Framework: Curriculum/Curricular Alignment.

Register today on the: MyLearning Website

Dates and Times:
October 5 - October 5, 2020 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Learn More:
Hailey Otis, 9704916140,