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Event Information

Introduction to Classroom Climate

In this session “Introduction to Classroom Climate” we will gain an understanding of techniques to create a more welcoming environment including the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical environment in which students learn. It is the responsibility of the instructor to intentionally create a safe space to foster a community of learners. Increase skills in creating group norms.

After completing the session on classroom climate, learners will:
Create a welcoming space for students; Be familiar with techniques that create a positive and inclusive climate for all students; Be familiar with techniques for undergraduate students to engage with each other and their instructor; Be able to describe: sense of belonging, mattering, how they relate, and how they support classroom climate; Increase skills in creating group norms; Gain strategies that help set up students for success; and Use self-reflection to improve teaching practice.

“Even though some of us might wish to conceptualize our classrooms as culturally neutral or might choose to ignore the cultural dimensions, students cannot check their sociocultural identities at the door, nor can they instantly transcend their current level of development.” (Ambrose, et al, How Learning Works, 2010, p 169/170).

This session aligns with the Teaching Effectiveness Framework - Classroom Climate

If you are having trouble registering for this session via MyLearning, please email Hailey Otis (

Register today on the: MyLearning Website

Dates and Times:
February 26 - February 26, 2020 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
TILT 105
Learn More:
Debora Colbert, 491-2645,