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Learner-Centered Syllabi Part II: The Learner-Centered Syllabus in Praxis (A Case Study)

Hailey Otis
Traditional approaches to syllabus construction treat the syllabus as a "contract" between student and instructor and, as such, often take on a punitive tone, communicating to students the negative consequences of their poor behavior/performance in class. More recently, there has been a turn to "learner-centered" syllabi which, instead of focusing on punishment and what not to do, present students with a roadmap for success in a given course. This workshop will focus on how to build a learner-centered syllabi that puts students and their needs/perspectives/success at the center of the document, positions students and the instructor as part of a partnership, and offers opportunities for shared decision making between students and instructor.

Part I of this workshop series focuses on the basics of how to build a learner-centered syllabus. Part II will provide a case study example of when I used a learner-centered syllabus in my SPCM 335: Gender and Communication class, including reflections on what went well, what I would do differently in the future, and how a learner-centered syllabus can improve classroom climate and learning outcomes.

This workshop counts toward the TILT Graduate Teaching Certificate.

This Session aligns with the Teaching Effectiveness Framework: Curriculum/Curricular Alignment

If you are having trouble registering for this session via MyLearning, please email Hailey Otis (

Register today on the: MyLearning Website

Dates and Times:
March 23 - March 23, 2020 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
TILT 105
Learn More:
Hailey Otis, 9704912645,