Event Information

Who is Gen Z?
College of Natural Sciences MTI Teaching Luncheon Workshop

Dr. Ingrid Ulbrich, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Chemistry
“Back when I was an undergrad…” everything was different than it is now. Do you think so, too? Gen Z, the generation of current traditional-age undergraduate students, was born 1995-2012; our incoming freshmen were born around 2000. How do your perceptions of Gen Z influence your teaching approach and expectations for student learning? Is there a generation gap? What motivates Gen Z and their approach to academics? To life? Have lunch and discuss with 10 actual Gen Z students. You see them every day, but now we can interact in a less formal setting. You can find out where they view their joys and challenges, and they can find out that we’re real, approachable people. This will be an interactive session, driven by the questions you have for Gen Z students. Submit your questions with your RSVP.
Please RSVP to cns_info@colostate.edu by Friday, November 16, 2018.
Dates and Times:
November 27 - November 27, 2018 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
LSC 386
Learn More:
Deborah Garrity, 970-491-2513, Deborah.Garrity@ColoState.edu