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Infuse your Department with Global Learning One Course at a Time: Questions to Consider when Proposing a New Course

Eleanor Moseman, Associate Professor of Art History; Denise Apodaca, Piano Proficiency Coordinator, School of Music
Are you interested in creating a new course for your department? Explore the hurdles, questions and best practices for designing new courses with a global content. Using their own experiences, speakers will discuss options for pedagogy and processes for negotiating fit within their departments, education abroad, and AAUC. Practical concerns such as financing, staffing, TILT support and other related CSU initiatives will be discussed.
Dates and Times:
April 5 - April 5, 2018 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Registration Deadline: March 22, 2018 11:00 AM
Registration is closed.
LSC 376-378
Learn More:
Karen Gardenier, 970-491-0737,