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Event Information

Using Learning Objectives to Design your Course

Barb Maynard, TILT Instructional Designer
1. Find out why learning objectives are critical to effective learning outcomes.
2. Consider what to keep in mind when writing measurable objectives.
3. Walk away with a conceptual toolkit of how to write learning objectives.
4. Practice writing learning objectives.

Come prepared with two topics in a course you plan to teach and something to write or type on. We’ll start this workshop with a very brief overview of how and why to write learning objectives, then you’ll spend most of the hour writing learning objectives for your topics with help from your fellow instructors and a TILT instructional designer. You’ll leave with specific, measurable learning objectives written for your two topics and the tools to write more.

Target Audience: If you are curious about how to use learning objectives in your teaching, this workshop is for you. No experience with writing learning objectives necessary.
Dates and Times:
April 6 - April 6, 2018 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Registration Deadline: March 23, 2018 10:00 AM
Registration is closed.
TILT 105
Learn More:
Hailey Otis, 970-491-2645,