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Good Intentions Are Not Enough: Building Intercultural Communication Skills through Reflective Teaching and Learning

Dr. Eric Aoki, Professor, Department of Communication Studies
Using theoretical and reflective pedagogical insights, Dr. Aoki will discuss communication practices and listening skills to assist in the development of intercultural communication competencies for learning contexts. More specifically, the talk will address listening practices and language consciousness from a global perspective as well as communication insights from negotiating “mistakes” and conflicts in the university classroom. Finally, Dr. Aoki will share ways he has learned from his students about global inclusivity and cultural mindfulness, over the past twenty years on the CSU campus, to enhance his own evolving reflectiveness and effectiveness as an instructor.
This presentation is open to faculty and graduate students from all disciplines and perspectives.
Dates and Times:
March 21 - March 21, 2018 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Registration Deadline: March 7, 2018 3:30 PM
Registration is closed.
LSC 374
Learn More:
Karen Gardenier, (970) 491-0737,