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College of Natural Sciences - Master Teaching Initiative Luncheon
What you always wanted to know from your Students, but were afraid to ask.

Nancy Levinger, Ph.D.
For many of us, when we arrive in front of our class at the semester's start, we see the sea of students most of whom are there because of a requirement. We have expectations for them and they have expectations for them. But did you ever wonder what students are thinking or doing during class? or how they even chose that particular class? Then try being one of them... During Spring 2017, I enrolled in LGER100, German 1, and had the experience of being a student again. In this MTI, I will lead a discussion about student behaviors both on at the basis of my own experiences and drawing from the anthropological study presented in the book My Freshman Year by Rebekah Nathan, and other resources. Please come ready to share your own questions and experiences. I hope you'll join the discussion! Please RSVP to by Wednesday, November 22, 2017.
Dates and Times:
November 29 - November 29, 2017 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
LSC 386
Learn More:
Debbie Garrity, 970-491-2513,