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Event Information

Using Undergraduate Learning Assistants to Promote Student Engagement in a STEM Course

Dr. Jennifer McLean
Interactions between undergraduate learning assistants (ULAs) and students have the potential to be a high-impact practice, not only for the ULA, but also for the course students. In this seminar, I hope to show you how I have changed the role of my ULAs from a one that focused on helping me with the administrative tasks in my large enrollment STEM course, to a role that is focused instead on increasing student engagement with the course material, as well as enriching the learning experience for my ULAs.
All CSU faculty, special faculty, and graduate students are invited to attend.
This seminar counts toward the Graduate Teaching Certificate.
Dates and Times:
October 24 - October 24, 2017 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Registration Deadline: October 10, 2017 12:00 PM
Registration is closed.
TILT 105
Learn More:
Hailey Otis, 970-491-2645,