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Sex Work or Sex Trafficking?: Perspectives from Research and Real Life
Sponsored by TILT, Ethnic Studies, and Free Our Girls

Dr. Karrin Anderson and Megan Lundstrom
Feminists have been debating the commercial sex industry since the 1980s, with some arguing that pornography and prostitution inherently degrade women and others advocating for feminist erotica and legalized sex work. Increased attention to the problem of human trafficking recently has revived this debate among feminists, and both research and survivor stories shape feminist perspectives on commercial sex exploitation. This discussion will feature Dr. Karrin Anderson, Professor of Communication Studies and instructor of the CSU course “SPCM 320: Communication and Human Trafficking,” and Megan Lundstrom, Director of Free Our Girls, a northern Colorado anti-trafficking organization that works with survivors of human trafficking and educates our community on trafficking prevention. The discussion will focus on the nature of commercial sex exploitation, using current research and the real-world experiences of survivors to inform a discussion about feminist responses to sex work and sex trafficking.
Dates and Times:
October 9 - October 9, 2017 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Registration Deadline: September 25, 2017 4:00 PM
Registration is closed.
TILT 221
Learn More:
Debora Colbert, 970-491-2645,