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End to End Workflow for Producing DIY Supplementary Videos
College of Business Master Teacher Workshop #2

Cale Rogers will be leading our second Master Teacher Workshop of the semester and provide direction on how to produce our own Do-It-Yourself (DIY)Supplementary Videos. Answering questions, clarifying instructions, providing quick Excel tips and other software screen captures are all great examples of how to reach out to students using DIY supplementary videos. Although the college has many resources to help you produce video content, there are also great DIY solutions for producing helpful supplementary video content. Master Teacher Workshops are a great opportunity to grab some lunch, socialize with your colleagues from all the departments, and learn something in the process.
Dates and Times:
March 1 - March 1, 2017 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Rockwell Hall 119
Learn More:
Doug Hoffman, 970-4491-2791,