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Event Information

College of Business MTI Luncheon
Master Teacher Workshop #1

Crystal Carr, Natasha Crasovscaia, Indy Hart, and Instructional Technologists/LMS Faculty Support
Welcome to the Spring 2017 semester. We will have two Master Teacher Workshops this semester beginning with Canvas Tips, Tricks, and Q&A. Crystal, Natasha, and Indy will present some new features about Canvas and be available to answer all of your questions. Master Teacher Workshops are a great opportunity to grab some lunch, socialize with your colleagues from all the departments, and learn something in the process. Please RSVP so that we may obtain an accurate headcount for lunch. As always, Master Teacher Workshops are open to all faculty and staff.
Dates and Times:
February 1 - February 1, 2017 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Rockwell Hall 119
Learn More:
Doug Hoffman, 970-491-2791,