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Event Information

Inclusive Conversations

Ria Vigil, Office of the Vice President for Diversity
Many of us struggle with creating inclusive conversation: What do I say? How do I say it? This session explores the concept of Intent vs Impact and how we can unintentionally create a hostile environment for our colleagues, students, and employees. We explore common phrases which marginalize campus members and discuss best practices to creating inclusive conversations. This workshop is sponsored by Graduate Women in Science, TILT, Graduate School, and the Warner College of Natural Resources. Lunch will be provided.
Dates and Times:
April 12 - April 12, 2017 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Registration Deadline: March 29, 2017 11:30 AM
Registration is closed.
LSC 382
Learn More:
Debora Colbert, 970-491-2645,