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College of Natural Sciences MTI Luncheon
Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in beginning college students

General chemistry 1 (CHEM 111) is a large undergraduate course, intended for science majors across the college. It is a challenging course with significant freshman enrollment. Dr. Ulbrich will share with us her success at integrating activities designed to help students explicitly pay attention to their own learning process, and strategize on how to improve it. This approach inspired a revision in how exams were written, and exam averages were higher than in past semesters. Additionally, this approach noticeably transformed the tenor of the course as students came to appreciate that they have the power and resources to create their own success.
Dates and Times:
April 5 - April 5, 2016 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
LSC 386
Learn More:
Dr. Deborah Garrity, 970-491-2513,