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Event Information

Reflections on Teaching Writing
A series of lunchtime conversations


“State Your Case: Teaching Students to Develop and Support Thesis Statements”Presented by Ariel Schnee, History

Please join us for a series of conversations about how to integrate writing into courses across the disciplines. We are pleased to feature the experiences of CSU graduate student teachers who have developed innovative and thoughtful ways to reflect upon teaching and motivate successful student writing.

For more information, contact Dr. Tobi Jacobi, gtPathways Writing Initiative Director: *presented in coordination with the College of Liberal Arts MTI lunchtime series*
Dates and Times:
April 1 - April 1, 2016 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
Registration Deadline: March 18, 2016 12:00 PM
Registration is closed.
Eddy 100
Learn More:
Dr. Tobi Jacobi, 970-491-2645,