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Context and Frameworks: Situating Information Literacy in the “Real World.”
Libraries MTI Luncheon

Kevin Seeber is Instructor and Foundational Experiences Librarian at Auraria Library in Denver
As librarians, we tend to plan our instruction sessions in response to the expectations of teaching faculty—typically focusing on specific tools and resources. While this approach aims to help students with current research assignments, it often comes at the expense of having discussions about the broader context of information. This presentation will draw on the ideas of critical information literacy, as well as the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, to highlight the importance of rejecting this prevailing, product-driven model of instruction in favor of one which addresses larger contexts in the classroom. The session will also invite participants to develop strategies that connect information literacy with ideas that extend beyond the next assignment or the next semester, and start dealing with information as it exists in the world around us. Register to attend: Required, as capacity is limited. Please contact Merinda McLure
Dates and Times:
November 5 - November 5, 2015 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Morgan Library Event Hall
Learn More:
Merinda McLure, 970-491-7175,