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The Dog Ate My Homework:
Inspiring Academic Integrity With Our Students

Panel Presenters: Elaine Green and Lindy Cartrite

Many instructors have heard last minute excuses and seen students omit citations for work. Additionally, with increased time commitments, the costs of attendance, and pressures to perform well, we may have seen our students grapple with completing their coursework honestly. Thus as instructors we are faced with more than teaching the course content and can also explore with students why they should choose ethical behaviors with their academics.

Come to this informative discussion of the academic misconduct process and learn more about what students share about academic integrity. Additionally, there is an opportunity to discuss helpful strategies to frame academic integrity in our classes to reinforce the norm that most students appreciate the culture of integrity at CSU. Our facilitators, Dr. Elaine Green, Director of Academic Integrity with TILT/CRSCS and Lindy Cartrite, Assistant Director of CRSCS, will share their insights and experiences with academic integrity at CSU.

Lunch is provided. Once you register, we will contact you with LSC box lunch options and take your order. RSVP to Kim Okamoto at

Dates and Times:
November 11 - November 11, 2015 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
LSC 304-306
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