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Event Information

Teaching With Teams
MTI Workshop

Panel Presenters: Sagarika Sarma, Amber Paulson-Hofseth, and Emily Ambrose

There are many considerations to take when teaching with a co-facilitator and teams, including how to keep your content consistent while still providing leeway for instructors to individualize their classes. In addition, there are helpful things instructors can do including planning how to incorporate co-facilitators and teaching assistants, preparing before class the division of topics topics, and scheduling regular meetings to check-in about the course materials.

Join us for this workshop where some of our experienced instructors share their experiences, offer helpful hints for organizing curriculum, and discuss the highlights and challenges of teaching courses with teams. Amber Paulson-Hofseth from CASA will share her experiences working with the Key Explore Community curriculum with a team of instructors and TAs, Sagarika Sarma from Case Management will talk about her about her instruction with the Global Village Learning Community seminar team and TAs, and Emily Ambrose from SLiCE will discuss coordinating the President’s Leadership Program curriculum with a team of eight co-instructors.

Lunch from Spoons is provided. We will contact you with lunch options and take your order. This session is limited to 15 participants. RSVP to Kim Okamoto at
Dates and Times:
October 30 - October 30, 2015 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
LSC 322
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