Event Information
Mid Semester Feedback:
Program Training
TILT Staff
Are you a Graduate Student in either the SAHE, or SOE programs? If so, then this event is for you!
Become a facilitator in the mid-semester feedback program – Consult with students about positive change in the classroom and earn SAHE Independent Study or Practicum Credit. SOE participants can earn credit towards the OLPC or AET Capstone Course Requirements.
The time commitment to learn how to become a facilitator is roughly three hours. This includes an approximately 90-minute consultation with a TILT instructional designer and the time involved to conduct your first feedback session, which includes roughly 30 minutes in the classroom, 90 minutes to compile results, and 60 minutes to debrief the course instructor and collaboratively developing new strategies for the course based on student comments and recommendations.
What you will learn in the facilitator training:
- Introduction
- Background/History/Research of "The Classroom Meeting Model"
- Discussion of the pros and cons of having the feedback session conducted by instructor-led versus facilitator-led methods
- Video of in-class feedback session
- Review step-by-step feedback process
- Review facilitator/instructor debriefing session
- Discussion of additional training resources
- Conclusion
- Post Training: Monthly meetings to discuss program
If you are interested, please email Dr. Debora Colbert at: Debora.Colbert@ColoState.edu for registration and more information
Dates and Times:
October 5 - October 5, 2015 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
TILT 105
Learn More:
Debora Colbert,