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An Introduction to Cross-curricular Teaching of Environmental Justice, Climate Justice and Sustainability through a Race, Class, and Gender Justice Lens
Curricular Session I

Dr. Heather Hackman
There is no greater risk to our national and global well being in the 21st century than climate change. This is not to diminish the complicated nature of some of the most challenging issues within the various content areas across a college or university campus, but simply to acknowledge that climate change will impact every single aspect of our lives and likely exacerbate the existing complex problems and issues within all fields of study. As such, this session is designed for faculty and TA’s from all disciplines and is focused on how to incorporate the combined lenses of environmental justice / climate justice / sustainability and social justice into your teaching area. While these subjects have historically been relegated to their primary content areas (e.g. science for the former and humanities for the latter), the pressing issues surrounding climate disruption demand that every discipline prepare students to apply their learning to the larger climate question. This workshop offers some basic frameworks for how to do this content integration work and does so by delving into three major bodies of information: 1. Basic information about the current climate moment (applicable to any content area); 2. The relationship between issues of race, class and gender to sustainability, environmental justice and climate justice work; 3. Concrete pedagogical “what’s” and “how’s” for addressing this content across a university curricula. The session will be interactive as time allows, and will also offer resources for continued exploration of these topics.
Dates and Times:
October 1 - October 1, 2015 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Registration Deadline: September 17, 2015 9:00 AM
Registration is closed.
LSC 386
Learn More:
Debora Colbert, 970-491-2645,