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RamCT Info: Additional RamCT to ARIESweb Grade Import Demo Sessions

Kevin Noland
Saving instructors Time and Effort was the goal when ACNS, Information Systems and the Registrar’s Office developed a process to import final grades from the RamCT grade book into ARIESweb. A pilot for this process was conducted in spring and summer 2008 with great success. We will have demonstrations of this process on the dates/times listed below which are open to any RamCT instructors, designers or TA’s. We will review what steps to take to prepare your RamCT grade book and how the grades will appear in the ARIESweb grade input screen.
Dates and Times:
December 4 - December 4, 2008 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Weber 202
Learn More:
Kevin Noland, 970-491-6293,