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Event Information

CLA MTI Luncheon
Out of Bounds: Engaging Students Beyond the Classroom

Mo Moreira, The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT)

You have an expertise and many lessons to share your students. There’s only so much you can share within a class period.

How are we teaching students about the culture of our field? How can we mold students to be leaders in their disciplines?

In This Session We Will:

  • Discuss programs and opportunities that are available for faculty to engage students outside of the classroom.
  • Talk about why these programs exist and how students are making meaning out of their participation.
  • Most importantly, we will talk about what it might mean for you and the future of your discipline.
Your lunch order serves as your RSVP. Please RSVP no later than 5:00 PM next Tuesday, November 11th.

Dates and Times:
November 13 - November 13, 2014 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
TILT 105
Learn More:
Debora Colbert, 970-491-2645,