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Event Information

Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Publishing Issues: Process and Procedures, Intellectual Property and Research Integrity.
Academic Integrity Week - Programs for Graduate Students

Moderated by Dr. Jodie Redditi Hanzlik, Graduate School Dean
How do the topics of electronic thesis and dissertation publishing, research integrity, and intellectual property impact graduate students? What do you need to know to successfully publish your research? Dr. Jodie Redditi Hanzlik, Dean of the Graduate School, will moderate this session. Dr. Kathy Partin, Director of the Research Integrity and Compliance Review Office, Dawn Paschal, Assistant Dean- Library, and Ms. Linda Schutjer, General Counsel will be panel participants. Full schedule at:


Dates and Times:
October 9 - October 9, 2014 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
LSC 308
Learn More:
Elaine Green, 491.2898,