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Event Information

Teaching Sustainability through a Race, Color, and Gender Justice Lens Across the Curricula

Dr. Heather Hackman

There is no greater risk to our national and global well being in the 21st century than climate change. That is not to diminish the incredible complexity of some of the most challenging issues within the various content areas across a college or university campus, but simply to acknowledge that climate change will impact every single aspect of our lives and likely exacerbate the existing complex problems and issues within all fields of study.

As such, this workshop highlights the need to address climate change, social justice and sustainability in every content area on campus and offers some basic frameworks for how to do that, no matter the curricular focus. Specifically, this workshop addresses: is broken into three major parts:

  1. Basic information about the current climate moment (applicable to any content area);
  2. The relationship of issues of race, class and gender to sustainability and climate justice work;
  3. Concrete pedagogical “what’s” and “how’s” for addressing this content across a university curricula.
Dates and Times:
October 7 - October 7, 2014 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Registration Deadline: September 23, 2014 1:00 PM
Registration is closed.
TILT 105
Learn More:
Deb Colbert, 491.2645,