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CURC Awards Keynote Address

<strong><span style="color: #993300;"> Dr. Charles Rosenfeld</span></strong>
# Dr. Charles L. Rosenfeld, Professor Emeritus at Oregon State University and recognized expert on remote sensing, natural hazards mapping, and applied terrain analysis, will give the keynote address at the 2014 CURC Awards Ceremony.

Over the course of his 35 year career, Dr. Rosenfeld served as Chair of the Commission on Natural Hazards of the International Council of Scientific Unions, headed drought abatement research in the Cape Verde islands during the Sahelian drought in Africa, developed Geographic Information Systems to mitigate flood impacts among the rural poor in Bangladesh, studied the glacial dynamics of a major surge of the Bering Glacier in Alaska, and monitored the eruption of Mount St. Helens and its subsequent impacts on the northwest environment.

His address is titled "Research Perspectives in a Time of Global Change" and will focus on issues of environmental security.

Dates and Times:
April 17 - April 17, 2014 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Johnson 222
Learn More:
Mary Swanson, 491.2185,