Event Information
MTI Lunch | Division of Student Affairs<br><span style="color: #993300;"> Analytics for Learning and Teaching (ALT)</span>
Dr. Jim Folkestad, Faculty Member, School of Education

These data trails are expanding at CSU and can be analyzed to understand learning processes and learner behaviors, behaviors that can be used to develop responsive learning interventions.
In this master teaching initiative (MTI) I will discuss ALT Center activities, which include emerging efforts to analyze these data trails (analytics) in an effort to improve learning and teaching.
RSVP: This is a Free Catered luncheon limited to 15 participants. To register, please RSVP Kim Okamoto. We will contact you with lunch options and take your order.
Dates and Times:
February 17 - February 17, 2014 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Registration Deadline:
February 3, 2014 12:00 PM
Registration is closed.
Admin 201
Learn More:
Kim Okamoto,