Are you having trouble finding balance in your life due to work and life stress? Recent clinical research on mindfulness practices has shown benefits that may offer an increased ability to transform stress, improve mental clarity, and help with concentration. This session is designed to explore mindfulness meditation and supportive yoga breath for your daily life. Over the last 20 years, numerous studies have shown these practices to have multiple physical and mental health benefits, which contribute to an overall increase in well-being. The session will begin with an overview of these benefits, offer background on mindfulness and yoga breath practice, and engage participants in “hands-on” practice of these techniques. Audience participate will be invited in a “learning circle” format. A “start where you are” philosophy is embraced and no previous experience is required. Practice sessions will range from 5 -15 minutes, followed with time to share experiences and learn from each other. For those interested in continuing a daily mindfulness practices, we’ll offer tools you can take with you. We look forward to sharing this workshop together with you.