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Developing Effective Assignments

Toni Zimmerman
Creating effective assignments for courses is imperative in order to fully engage students in the material and in the learning process. A good place to start when creating assignments is with questions such as "what is the point of this assignment?" or "what do I want the student to get out of doing this assignment?" Sometimes the point is purely memorization of terms and concepts; sometimes it's about connecting concepts in creative ways; and at other times it is to advance learning across courses or to apply learning to real world problems. Clearly, these different goals require different assignments. Together, we will explore your courses and your assignments and how to improve them, add to them, and bring them closer to the "point" of assigning them.
Dates and Times:
May 22 - May 22, 2013 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Registration Deadline: May 8, 2013 1:00 PM
Registration is closed.
TILT 221
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