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Event Information

Flipping Expectations: Enhancing Engagement in Classroom Ecologies (Formerly Working LATE: Using a Learning Ecology)

Representatives from the TILT LATE Working Group
This session will focus on experiential techniques to flip students expectations in the classroom by: * Leveraging Applied Technology for Education (LATE) * Implementing flipped and active classroom techniques * Modeling the TILT Learning Ecology * Creating a mutual support system Participants will learn to conduct an experiential learning session using diverse pedagogical approaches; multiple classroom structures; and relevant, applied, and integrated assignments. Find out the best practices and lessons learned from an interdisciplinary group of colleagues from across the university. We also discussed having assignments sent out prior to the conference for the full experience - One handout to send would be the TILT Learning Ecologies report. We still need to decide who is going to present. We have two (2) 75 minutes sessions to be filled with experiential learning activities, testimonials, and a debrief!
Dates and Times:
May 23 - May 22, 2013 10:30 AM - 2:15 PM
Registration Deadline: May 9, 2013 10:30 AM
Registration is closed.
TILT 221
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