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MTI Lunch | Division of Student Affairs<br><span style="color: #993300;"> From Program Outcomes to Learning Outcomes </span>

Kacee Collard Jarnot, Assistant Director, Parent and Family Programs; SAHE Faculty Member
With assessment shifting from measuring what we’re doing as practitioners to measuring what students are learning, the ability to write effective learning outcomes is critical. During this Free Catered luncheon we will explore the history behind learning outcomes, identify the shift in thinking, and offer tools and resources for developing learning outcomes on a programmatic level. Participants will walk away with a new way of thinking about student services!

RSVP: This session is limited to 18 participants. To register for this luncheon, please RSVP David McKelfresh no later than 3:00 P.M., Friday, April 19th.

Dates and Times:
April 23 - April 23, 2013 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
LSC 210
Learn More:
David McKelfresh, 491.4722,