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Event Information

Is That Cheating?: Exploring the “Grey Areas” of Academic Integrity.

Dr. Elaine Green
Students look to leaders on questions of academic integrity at CSU, or you may observe others doing something for classes that you wonder about. Issues may range from what is considered plagiarism, sharing IClickers, to use of homework help websites and services such as Koofers, Notehall/Chegg, WriteMyPaper, and our own local startup: NiceGrade. What is considered cheating at CSU? In this session, we will take a quick look at how CSU defines cheating in academic work, and then explore situations that may fall into the “grey areas.” Bring questions for what you think is “borderline” in terms of being cheating or not. Prizes will be awarded for the best questions. This workshop is part of the REAL program, but is open to any interested student.
Dates and Times:
April 1 - April 1, 2013 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
LSC 224
Learn More:
Elaine Green, 491.2898,