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A Change is Gonna Come: How the CSU Assistive Technology Resource Center is meeting the accessibility needs of students and faculty/staff in higher education in our ever-changing technological environment

This presentation will introduce the ATRC at CSU, discussing what services are offered and whom we serve. We will review the CSU Accessibility of Electronic Information and Technologies policy and the recent DOJ ruling to section 2 of the ADA, requiring all state and local governments to make web information accessible to individuals with disabilities. We will examine how this will affect CSU's policy and practice for students with disabilities moving forward. Finally, we will discuss and review how the ATRC is available to support faculty and staff when providing accessible course materials and testing. Target Audience: CSU Faculty and Staff and any individual that may provide educational resources and training to students with disabilities at CSU both in-person and online. TEF Alignment: Inclusive Pedagogy
Dates and Times:
August 6, 2024 2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Registration Deadline: August 5, 2024 2:10 PM
Registration is closed.